Not Even A Global Pandemic Can Stop The World's Last Blockbuster

KTVZ: Not even the coronavirus can stop the last Blockbuster Video on Earth from serving customers in Bend, though it has changed its operations some, now offering curbside pickup.

As the world comes to a stop due to COVID, there's only been one thing on everyone's mind, "How is the world's last Blockbuster handling all this?" Well, it turns out they're doing just fine. The store in Bend, Oregon is offering customers the option to call ahead of time, select a movie, and then do curbside pick-up. Each movie gets cleaned, placed in a Ziploc bag, and brought out to the car. If you do go in the store, they have a one-way route to ensure everyone stays six feet apart. They've covered everything. It looks like you even get a cool little souvenir. 

I'm convinced this Blockbuster can survive anything. It's somehow survived the internet, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, on-demand, all other options to stream movies. You think a virus is going to be what finally does thing in? No chance. I think it might end up being the last thing on Earth. Viral pandemic, zombie apocalypse, nuclear war, you name it. Nothing is shutting this down. If the people in Bend, Oregon don't use a quarantine where you are basically forced to stay home to sign up for Netflix, then they never will. 

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